Day 1: "When You Think of God"

  1. Watch the video above.
  2. In your Crazy Love workbook read the paragraphs before questions 1 (Pgs. 15, 16).
  3. Then answer questions 1 in your book (Pg. 16). Question 2 will be answered in Community Group.
  4. Finish in prayer.

Day 2: "Listen" (Ecclesiastes 5:1-2)

  1. Read the devotional Below.
  2. Then, in your Crazy Love workbook read the paragraphs before questions 3-5 and answer the corresponding questions on pages 16-18.
  3. Finish in prayer.
1 Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Better to approach in obedience than to offer the sacrifice as fools do, for they ignorantly do wrong. 2 Do not be hasty to speak, and do not be impulsive to make a speech before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few. Ecclesiastes 5:1–2 (CSB)
All of us have some idea of what prayer is. Whether we’ve been taught by family members, our church, or we’ve seen it on TV, we have some things that we tend to do as part of our prayer life. Often, prayer is seen as a way to let God know what we want so that He can fix our problems. I find it humorous that we think that God is powerful enough to fix all of our problems, but so small that He doesn’t already know our desires. We know that there are Scripture verses that tell us to ask things of God according to His will. But is that really all that God wants from us in prayer? If you are anything like me, there is a major part of our prayer life that is lacking. Listening.

Ivey and I did a word study on this Scripture from Ecclesiastes… specifically the phrase “approach in obedience.” The ESV and other versions say, “draw near to listen.” While “Obedience” carries the notion that I have some action to do, “listen” sounds much more passive. So, which is it? The answer is both. The original word is used many times in the Old Testament and means to listen with the intent of obeying. My sports brain immediately thinks of a player listening to his coach during a timeout. The coach designs a certain play for the team to run, and then the team is supposed to go out and execute the coach’s plan. This is the idea behind this verse, that it is best for us to listen for God to give us His plan so that we can be obedient.

But how can we actively listen for God? This one truth has absolutely revolutionized my prayer life in the last 5 years: “Be still. Be quiet. Listen. Respond.” Psalm 46:10a (ESV) says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” The CSB version instead says to “stop fighting.” Sometimes life can be a fight to keep our head above water with work, school, errands, children, parents, anxiety, depression, and so many other things. This verse is a reminder that we need to find time to shut everything off and focus our full attention on listening to God. I challenge you to start incorporating silence as part of your daily routine. I find it especially beneficial as a response after reading the Bible. I understand that it can be very difficult to find a time and place for silence, but I believe that the benefit is too great to pass up. Are there other ways that you can listen with obedience to God rather than talking?

Challenge: Once or twice each day, find a place that you can be alone with God and set a timer on your phone for 1 or 2 minutes. Ask God to speak clearly to you, sit in silence, and listen intently for God.

Day 3: SOAP Through Psalm 19

  1. Read Psalm 19, then use the SOAP acronym to study it. It would be helpful to have a notebook to write these out. You could also use your phone's notes app.
    1. Scripture- Write down one or more verses that stood out to you.
    2. Observation- What is an observation you have from this passage?
    3. Application- How can you apply this passage to your life today?
    4. Pray- Write a short prayer in response to today's passage.
  2. Then, in your Crazy Love workbook read the paragraph before question 6 and answer question 6 on page 18.
  3. Finish in prayer.

Day 4: "Love God With All" (Mark 12:28-34)

  1. Read the devotional Below.
  2. Then, in your Crazy Love workbook read the paragraphs above questions 7-9 then answer questions 7-9 on pages 19-20.
  3. Finish in prayer.
28 One of the scribes approached. When he heard them debating and saw that Jesus answered them well, he asked him, “Which command is the most important of all?” 29 Jesus answered, “The most important is Listen, Israel! The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. 31 The second is, Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other command greater than these.” 32 Then the scribe said to him, “You are right, teacher. You have correctly said that he is one, and there is no one else except him. 33 And to love him with all your heart, with all your understanding, and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself, is far more important than all the burnt offerings and sacrifices.” 34 When Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” And no one dared to question him any longer. Mark 12:28–34 (CSB)
Jesus was well aware that those in power were not going to understand, agree, or tolerate his ministry. He actually said they would be so offended over him, they would stumble (12:10-11). What followed this statement by Jesus was a gauntlet of tests by the religious leaders. They hoped he would slip up, say something stupid, and then they can have him arrested and put away for good. Of course, this is Jesus. He never says anything stupid. Starting in verse 28, Jesus is asked which commandment is the most important. Jesus then delivered some of the most meaningful words in history when he gave what theologians call, "The Great commandment."

There are two main parts to this command. First, love God with everything you have. Second, love your neighbor to the extent you love yourself. Loving God with everything we have is a tall task. I might find myself loving God a whole bunch. I mean, like a lot, a lot. But a lot is not enough. Jesus commands we love God with all. All means that there would not be a portion of our lives that we do not love God with. Love God with our thoughts, with our jobs, with our attitudes, with our hobbies, with our relationships, with our service, with our purchases, with our free time, etc. All of it. I'm going to be honest, I love God. On my best days, I love God with most things, but I don't love him with everything I have all the time. You know how I know I don't love God all the time? I sin. And every time I sin, I reveal a place I'm not loving God fully. Saint Augustine said, "Love God, and do whatever you please." That means, if my love for God is completely consuming, I will always act in a way that will please him. So I can do whatever I want because what I want is what God wants.

If you are anything like me (And I've been around enough people to know you are), there are some areas of your life where you are not fully loving God. What are they? Is it in your dating relationships? How about your marriage? Are you loving God through the way you raise your kids? Do you work in a way that exhibits the love of God? What about your thoughts, are they loving? What would your friends, family, classmates, and/or co-workers say about your love for God? In just a moment, pray that God would reveal the areas of your life that you have yet to love him, and then ask him for the power to change.

Day 5: SOAP Through Revelation 4

  1. Read Revelation 4, then use the SOAP acronym to study it. It would be helpful to have a notebook to write these out. You could also use your phone's notes app.
    1. Scripture- Write down one or more verses that stood out to you.
    2. Observation- What is an observation you have from this passage?
    3. Application- How can you apply this passage to your life today?
    4. Pray- Write a short prayer in response to today's passage.
  2. Then, in your Crazy Love workbook read the paragraph before questions 10-12 and answer questions 10-12 on page 20-21.
  3. Finish in prayer.

Final Day: Attend Community Group

Congrats! You made it through week 1 of Crazy Love. Now go to community group and share, learn, and enjoy time with your church family.