Your Dream Job
by Josh Kappert on March 22nd, 2025
If you were to describe your dream job, how would you do it? For some, it would be the opportunity for creative expression. Others might describe it as the opportunity to solve problems and innovate. And for others, it might be the opportunity to help other people. Maybe, for you, it's a combination of all those qualities. However you describe your dream job, I think we can all agree that finding meaning and significance in your work is important.  Read More
How Powerful Is A Word?
by Ivey Rhodes on March 15th, 2025
Have you ever heard the saying, “The pen is mightier than the sword”? It’s an interesting statement that means words are more powerful than violence. Sure, someone can be forced into action through violence, but violence can’t change their heart or mind. Words, on the other hand, spoken at the right time and in the right way can transform both what a person thinks and how they live.  Read More
The Cure for Conflict
by Ivey Rhodes on March 8th, 2025
To quote Obi-Wan Kenobi, “You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.” Where is this hive he speaks of? Most people assume it’s Mos Eisley? But they would be wrong. It’s X (the website formerly known as Twitter).  Read More
My House, God's Justice
by Ivey Rhodes on March 1st, 2025
Boston was founded in 1630, which means there's a lot of old construction around. My house is one of those old houses. While it’s nowhere near 400 years old, it’s still over a century old. A lot can happen in that time, leading to some interesting quirks.  Read More
Now I Have Trust Issues
by Ivey Rhodes on February 22nd, 2025
A few Christmases ago, my wife, Allie, gave me one of the coolest gifts I’ve ever received, something I never thought I’d actually own. Allie bought me a One Wheel.  Read More
Keep Your Faith Glowing
by Ivey Rhodes on February 15th, 2025
Did you ever have a real fireplace in your home? Growing up, we lived in a parsonage (A house near the church where a pastor’s family can live at no cost). That might sound great, but in reality, it was mostly just alright. One thing I did love about that old house, though, was the fireplace. It was not some gas-powered imitation, but a real, wood-burning fireplace.  Read More
Find an Island of Solitude
by Ivey Rhodes on February 1st, 2025
Eight miles off the rugged coast of Ireland rises an island with a history richer than fiction. If you're a Star Wars fan, you may know this as the Temple Island of Ahch-To. Ahch-to is important in Star Wars history as the birthplace of the Jedi Order and the island of exile for Luke Skywalker. But long before it was a cinematic landmark, it was home to a different type of exile.  Read More
Why I'm Obsessed With Lord of the Rings
by Ivey Rhodes on January 24th, 2025
It has become a running joke that I find a way to slip a Lord of the Rings reference into every sermon. Well, I have three points of contention for this accusation. First, how dare you. Second, it’s not every sermon. Third, I do not try to cram them in--they just come naturally because Lord of the Rings is awesome.  Read More
A Very Generous Gift
by Ivey Rhodes on January 18th, 2025
My wife Allie loves to give gifts. Christmas time is one of her favorite seasons because she is very generous… sometimes I feel too generous. That’s because I'm a more reasonable gifter. She might say stingy, but I like saying reasonable. I know what I can spend, and I don’t even dream about extravagant gifts. While there is a balance to be had, I think Allie’s impulse is the godlier one.  Read More
How Do I Stay Thin With Allie's Cooking
by Ivey Rhodes on January 11th, 2025
If you’ve been around Arborway for any amount of time, you've probably realized that my wonderful wife is an amazing cook. There is no meal that we eat at the church that she does not contribute to. You may think that you’ve never tasted Allie’s food, but if you have attended on a Sunday morning, you probably have. Did you know that she wakes up at 6 AM and makes the donuts for church? And get this, she makes them from scratch.  Read More
What To Expect When...
by Ivey Rhodes on January 4th, 2025
When you are about to go through big changes, it’s nice to have an idea of what those changes will be. While most of life’s big changes are surprises, some are regular enough that people write books about them. Let me give you a few examples.  Read More
You Were A Part of God's Work in 2024
by Ivey Rhodes on December 28th, 2024
We've reached the final Sunday of 2024. This is a week affectionately referred to as “Youth pastor Sunday.” I’ll share a little more on that later. Hands down, 2024 was the most growth we have experienced as a church. So here, at the end of the year, I want to reflect on how God has grown Arborway in 2024. Let's look at it by the numbers.  Read More