41 The Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but one thing is necessary. Mary has made the right choice, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41–42 (CSB)
This story is often told from the perspective that Martha is bad for doing the housework and Mary is good for learning at Jesus' feet. While you may find it a relief that household chores are evil, I don't think that's exactly what Jesus is getting at. Let's look a little deeper.
While Mary and Martha were sisters, they were very different women. We see their personalities in other stories, and each time we see them, Martha seems to be more type-A, while Mary is more type-B.
But Martha is not the villain. She did a wonderful thing. In verse 38, she welcomed Jesus into her home. She was living out the gospel in many ways by being hospitable to Jesus. This is beautiful and good. Martha was not immoral for showing hospitality. We could learn a lot from Martha's open home. I also assume that Martha was a boss lady. She was probably the type of woman who could enter a space and make things happen. If you wanted a project done and done with excellence, you gave it to Martha. In many ways, Martha embodied the Proverbs 31 woman.
I don't want to add too much to Mary's profile, but I can imagine how she may have been less boss and more present. She seems like more of a people person. Mary would have been someone you were happy to confide in. It seems like Mary was also more emotionally driven. In the story where her brother Lazarus was raised from the dead, Martha met Jesus and explained the terrible situation, but Mary blamed Jesus and refused to even talk to him.
Each personality has its strong points and weak points. The truth is that the world needs Marys and Marthas. In this story, Martha's issue was not her hospitality but her worry and her distracted activities. She had the Son of God in her living room, but she was most concerned with cooking the perfect meal and setting the perfect table. While doing our best for Jesus is good, it should never be at the expense of time with him.
In our ongoing relationship with Jesus, it is important to find where we fall short and work on being obedient in that area. Some of you are more like Martha, you are worried about many things. You need to worry less, take a breath, and be present with Jesus. Others of you are like Mary. You would be happy just to hang out, but you never get anything done. Marthas need to become a little more like Marys and Marys like Martha.
God created you unique, but never allow your uniqueness to be an excuse for not giving Jesus what is most important.