Weird Parties
by Ivey Rhodes on June 16th, 2023
Bubble wrap appreciation party, "We got a new dog party" (yes, I have been to one of these) Break-Up Party, I Lost a Bet Party. What do these all have in common? They are bizarre and odd reasons to throw a party. But hey who am I to judge?  Read More
Do You Read the Terms of Service?
by Ivey Rhodes on June 9th, 2023
From our phones to our Netflix subscriptions, everything has "Terms of Service." You are probably a better person than me, but I do not read them. I just agree and hope for the best. That may change though. This week I saw an article about strange clauses hidden in some terms of service.  Read More
Journey to the Center of the Earth
by Ivey Rhodes on June 2nd, 2023
A few years ago, our family went on vacation to the Mammoth Caves in Kentucky. At over 400 miles, it holds the record for the longest cave system in the world, and that is just the discovered portion. There may yet be hundreds of miles no human has laid eyes on.  Read More
Indiana Jones and the Scroll of Life
by Ivey Rhodes on May 26th, 2023
As a child, Indiana Jones was one of my favorites. We had a CD with the theme song of several classic 80s movies, but the Indiana Jones theme was the one I had on repeat. Sing it with me: Bum, bum-bum, bum, bum, bum-bum, bum, bum, bum-bum-bum, bum, bum-bum, bum, bum. I'd put on a hat and pretend to be, Indiana Jones, the great explorer and archeologist.   Read More
Luv is a Verb
by Ivey Rhodes on May 20th, 2023
One of my favorite songs as a kid in the early 90s' was the classic Christian hip-hop-pop track by DC Talk, "Luv is a verb." This was the original song about love being an action. It was released some twenty years before John Mayer's. In my humble opinion, it's better too, but I'm probably blinded by nostalgia. Watch it below and you be the judge.  Read More
A Mother's Love
by Ivey Rhodes on May 13th, 2023
Being a mother is literally one of the hardest jobs on earth. Moms are simultaneously chefs, stylists, and WWE referees. And mothers give up so much to take care of their kids.  Read More
Am I Good Enough to Make It Into Heaven?
by Ivey Rhodes on May 6th, 2023
I have only tried out for two athletic teams in my life, and both times I was not good enough.  Read More
Have You Had a Real Encounter with God?
by Ivey Rhodes on April 29th, 2023
Have you ever had an encounter with a celebrity? It's one thing to see them on stage, on TV, or in a movie, but seeing them in real life changes things. They are no longer some voice on an album or face on a screen. They are real people, with real lives, and real problems.  Read More
How Can You Know You Are Saved?
by Ivey Rhodes on April 21st, 2023
We are in the second week of our eternal security series, "That You May Know." Knowing if you are saved is a little more difficult than knowing other things about ourselves. How do we know we have graduated? There is a piece of paper that hangs on the wall that proves it. How do we know we have too many plaid shirts in our closet? We open it and look. Am I just naming things I can see from where I am writing this? Absolutely. But I think you get the point.  Read More
Can You KNOW You Are a Christian?
by Ivey Rhodes on April 15th, 2023
I used to own what is known as a "OneWheel." For those that don't know, a OneWheel is an electric skateboard with a single rubber wheel in the middle. It only works because a computer is constantly balancing the board. One malfunction and the rider is on their head.  Read More
The Resurrection Changes Everything
by Ivey Rhodes on April 8th, 2023
If Jesus really rose from the dead; it changes everything. Tomorrow we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus together at 10 AM. Invite friends and family! We will be looking at 3 reasons the resurrection is the most important event in history... and in your life....  Read More
One of My Favorite Worship Services
by Ivey Rhodes on April 1st, 2023
One of the most special worship services I've ever attended was in a small Mexican village called Buenos Aires. It was small in population but not in spiritual impact. There was a seminary training Mexican Christians to take the gospel globally and a faithful church led by a pastor named Benito.  Read More