A Workout Program for Godliness

The act of becoming the person that God wants you to be is a process. We are saved by faith alone through the grace of God alone, but once we are following Christ, we should start to see some changes in our lives. There are some new rhythms and virtues we need to pick up and some old vices and habits we need to stop.

That reminds me of a brilliant Mad TV sketch where a therapist has a, well, unorthodox way of treating his patients. Just watch for yourself.
Stop it! If it were only that easy right? We wish we could simply wake up and stop the things we no longer want to do, but for most of us, it just does not work that way. It is a fight and a process. So what should we do? Paul encouraged us in this way:
For the training of the body has limited benefit, but godliness is beneficial in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8
Tomorrow we are going to look at how to train in godliness. We will see that the Holy Spirit is changing us from the inside, but the process is not all passive. We must also be actively training. Worship with us tomorrow as we help ourselves train in godliness.

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