Jealousy, Turning Saints Into the Sea

Known as the Millennial Anthem, Mr. Brightsides by the Killers is now a classic. You cannot go to a sporting event without hearing it blasted throughout the stadium and belted by all in attendance. To be honest, I do not know why it has become a sports anthem. You see, Mr. Brightsides has nothing to do with sports. It is a song about jealousy.

In it, a man kisses a woman at the end of what may be a first date, and when the woman leaves, the man is thrown into turmoil as he imagines this woman cheating on him. His imagination goes wild causing him to metaphorically drown in his ocean of jealousy, anxiety, and worry. He is always considering the worst possible circumstance. He is ironically Mr. Brightsides. Definitely sounds like a millennial to me. I would know. I am one.

Jealousy is a wretched emotion. If left to take control it will lead us to some really dark places. Augustine said it is the destroyer of virtue, because in the name of jealousy, we can justify any wicked action.

Tomorrow we are going to engage this emotion by looking at the downfall of King Saul. He would become jealous of David, and it would lead him to take some terrible actions toward David. Jealousy would be his unraveling and destruction. Saul will act as a warning to us about the dangers of jealousy.
Tomorrow, learn how to fight jealousy and embrace love. Join us as we will learn, sing, and take Communion together.
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