A 6 Hour 400 Mile Distraction
by Ivey Rhodes on March 25th, 2023
The smell of hot peanuts filled the back seat of a tan 1987 Volvo at 4 AM, and it was making me sick. But I had to let it ride because we were still at least two hours out from home and we needed my friend to stay awake so we could get Allie back to school for her finals. I bet you're wondering how we got into this situation.  Read More
Worship Leader is Trademarked
by Ivey Rhodes on March 18th, 2023
I learned this week from a friend of mine that the phrase "Worship Leader" is trademarked. You can read more about this development at Relevant. The company that owns this trademark is named Authentic Media and they filed for it in 2016. Now, it's annoying enough for a company to trademark a job title, but Authentic Media is now enforcing its so-called trademark by having social media accounts (Like my friend's) shut down for trademark infringement.  Read More
The Most Discouraged I Have Seen Boston
by Ivey Rhodes on March 11th, 2023
Most of the week, Matt and I led a team of college students as they did mission work around Boston. Boston sports come up and I have to explain that Boston sports are basically a religion for a large portion of this city.  Read More
I Started a Punk Rock Band
by Ivey Rhodes on March 4th, 2023
Since I was three years old I wanted to be a rocker. I know this because there are pictures of me jumping off a lawn chair shredding a toy guitar like I was in some sort of 80s' metal hair band... a Christian hair band of course.  Read More
The African Prince that Sparked Revival in Indiana
by Ivey Rhodes on February 25th, 2023
Kaboo was born a Liberian prince in the Kru tribe. During his life he would overcome capture, torture, and racism through God's power.  Read More
When God Breaks Your Heart
by Ivey Rhodes on February 18th, 2023
Many of you know our struggles with Levi running away. At ten, he has gotten so much better! But in his younger years, any chance he had to get as far away as possible would be taken.  Read More
What's The Point of the Church?
by Ivey Rhodes on February 10th, 2023
Last week was all about the habit of sharing our faith. I argued that it's not nearly as hard as we make it out to be. You can listen to that message in our app or on YouTube (Linked below). But have you ever thought about why we evangelize?  Read More
The Habit of Sharing
by Ivey Rhodes on February 4th, 2023
Allie and I have a regular habit. After we put the kids to bed, we are exhausted. We collapse on our couches. Sometimes on the same one, other times on separate couches. Then we open our phones and let the blue glow of our screens usher us into oblivion.  Read More
Money Can Buy Happiness?
by Ivey Rhodes on January 27th, 2023
You may have heard it said that money cannot buy happiness, but researchers at Harvard and the University of British Colombia wanted to test if that was true. Their findings may surprise you. According to  The Globe and Mail, the researchers gave students across one Vancouver campus $5 to $20. Some were instructed to spend it on themselves and some were told to spend it on others.Researcher Elizeb...  Read More
Can't Stop, Won't Stop... Won't Work
by Ivey Rhodes on January 27th, 2023
Allie and I had been through quite a busy few weeks. In week one we were preparing for a wedding, then we were married. That process in and of itself is exhausting. In week two, we went on our honeymoon. In week three, immediately upon getting back home, Allie and I chaperoned dozens of teens at a week-long youth camp. If you've ever been to youth camp as an adult, you know some people never recover under normal circumstances, let alone being preceded by wedding prep, a wedding, and a honeymoon.  Read More
How To Get More Time With God
by Ivey Rhodes on January 14th, 2023
Chances are, you use social media. While we can argue about the benefits and harm of social media, for good or for bad, most of us have it. If you are one of those blessed souls that do not use any social media app or website, stay strong!  Read More
The Secret to a Successful New Year's Resolution
by George Rhodes on January 6th, 2023
Today I want to share with you the secret to making a new year's resolution. Growing up I had a lot of bad habits that I (mostly) conquered as I got older through life experience and persistent parenting. Let me give you a few examples.  Read More