Our House Was Haunted

Do you want peace of mind?
The Lord did a miracle and we bought a house in Boston a couple of years ago. When we moved in, there were a few DIY projects we wanted to do, but it definitely was not a fixer-upper. Yet, there was one issue that had not shown up in the inspection or any of the walk-throughs: The house was haunted. Not by ghosts... but by mice.

The former tenants (A group of college boys who adopted this unit as their personal frat house), did everything wrong when it came to preventing mice, and these dirty little rodents had free travel in and out of the house.

We learned about this problem on our first night sleeping the house as we heard  mice scurrying in the ceilings and the walls all night long. They ate our food and gnawed on our furniture. The little creatures would scamper into the living room to see if our kids had dropped any morsels under the table.  We even had one mouse chase us around the kitchen. They thought they owned the place! We would lay awake in fear that one would nibble on our toes. At one point Allie said that, as terrible as our last apartment was, she wanted to move back. We had no peace of mind.

Something had to be done. So we called in an exterminator who turned our house into a rodent death trap, and over a few weeks, as the mouse population decreased in our house, we began to regain our peace of mind. We began to sleep better, we stopped seeing "ghost mice" out the corners of our eyes (A ghost mouse is an imaginary mouse your brain creates because it is so uneasy), and our food was intact.

Finally, finally, we had peace of mind.

We all want peace of mind. Life is hard, the world is complicated, and we're left trying to figure out how to make it through without constant mental breakdowns. But where can it be found?

Tomorrow we begin our new series about loving God with all our minds. In week one we'll look at how being at mental peace is a way of worshiping God with our minds. If you struggle with worry, the Scriptures have real answers. They're not easy answers or quick fixes, but they work if you work them.

Worship with us tomorrow at 10 AM!
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