I Can Read My Wife's Mind?

Allie and I have known each other for twenty-one years and have been married for seventeen of them. We met when she was almost sixteen and I was seventeen. We have essentially grown up together. You could say that we know one another pretty well.
After twenty-one years I usually know what she is thinking before she says it out loud. In fact, yesterday I got banged up during a family Thanksgiving activity, and when my dad asked me what Allie was going to say, I almost quoted her directly, and I did it hours before she said it. Am I a prophet? Can I see the future? No. I just know the mind of Allie so well that I can predict what she will say with seemingly clairvoyant accuracy.
In our final message in "With All Your Mind" we will see how loving God with all our minds means thinking the thoughts of Jesus. In Philippians 3 Paul calls us to "have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus."
So, to love God with our minds, we need to think like Jesus. We are going to learn that thinking like Jesus means being humble. Being humble was the thrust of Christ’s entire life and ministry. Everything he did came from him considering others more important than himself. Tomorrow I want to help us adopt the mind of Christ.
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