Why I'm Obsessed With Lord of the Rings

It has become a running joke that I find a way to slip a Lord of the Rings reference into every sermon. Well, I have three points of contention for this accusation. First, how dare you. Second, it’s not every sermon. Third, I do not try to cram them in--they just come naturally because Lord of the Rings is awesome.
Whenever I hear someone hasn't seen the movies, I immediately tell them they must cancel every plan and binge them. I also encourage them to watch the theatrical releases rather than the extended editions. While I personally want to dwell in Middle Earth as long as I can, newcomers may be bogged down by the four-hour-plus runtimes of the extended editions.I'd rather them fall in love with the story than fall asleep.
But my obsession got me thinking, why am I such an evangelist for The Lord of the Rings? I think those movies came into my life at just the right moment. The first movie was released around Christmas when I was fifteen, and honestly, it was magic. Three hours with no bathroom breaks, and I did not want it to end! It wasn't just a movie for me--It was an experience. And because I had experienced something incredible, I wanted others to feel the same. So, I am a LotR evangelist.
I’m not alone in this. The Lord of the Rings may not be your thing, but think about the last great movie you watched, amazing concert you attended, or hilarious meme you couldn't help but share. When we experience something that brings us joy, we share it.
And the same should be true... no, even more true for Christianity! If we have experienced life-changing love, joy, and hope in Christ, how could we keep it to ourselves? Evangelism isn’t about a formal presentation, street preaching, or even something only missionaries do. It is an essential practice of the Christian journey.
This Sunday, we're diving into the practice of evangelism. We'll see its importance, not only here in Boston, but also around the world. I hope you will join us!
Oh yeah, in case you missed it, I figured out another way to talk about The Lord of the Rings.

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