God Closes a Door and Opens a Window?

Have you ever prayed that God would open a door for you? I know I have. Perhaps, you know someone that after life took an unexpectedly good turn, they said, "When God closes a door, he opens a window." While you can't find anything about God opening spiritual windows to sneak through in the Bible, the idea of God opening spiritual doors is Biblically important.

When Allie and I were praying about moving to Boston to start the church, it was a life altering decision. Big decisions are a recipe for doubt to creep in. So, we began to pray, "God, if you want us in Boston open the door." Then he began opening miraculous door after door to get us up here. That terrified me. I got nervous and began to think that God may not have been working. Could it have all been coincidence? Then my prayer changed, "God, I'm a little nervous. It seems like you want us to go, and we're going. But if you don't want us to go, start slamming some doors in our face." After that prayer, God just kept opening doors. There was no mistaking he was working to get us up here. And here we are almost six-years later.

Tomorrow we're going to see how Jesus miraculously opened doors for the church in ancient Philadelphia. We'll also discover the only two ways we see God opening doors in the Scriptures. If you're praying for God to open a door for you, I know tomorrow will help!
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