Is That What Mom Actually Said?

Did your parents ever ask you to deliver a message to your siblings? Maybe they wanted the trash taken out or their room cleaned. Whatever the reason, I was never more drunk on power than when I carried a message from my parents.
My mom would say, "Ivey, tell your brother to come empty his section of the dishwasher." I would gleefully get up, stomp to the room he was in, and deliver the message. While Mom's message was matter-of-fact, I always added a little... flavor. I would deliver the message something like, "BEN! Mom says to get your butt into the kitchen and unload the dishwasher or you're going to be grounded for a month!" I would then add a little extra emphasis by picking him up off the couch, taking the remote, and shoving him toward the door.
While I definitely got the message across... it wasn't exactly the words of my mother. I had tampered with them. I delivered the content of the message, but I did not deliver the heart of the message.
Last week we saw that we can confidently trust we have the actual words of the Apostles. This is very helpful, but the real question is, did they tamper with the message? Are the words of the Apostles the Word of God? For instance, my brother heard my actual words, but my words were not the words of my mom.
Tomorrow we will explore if it's reasonable to believe that biblical authors have delivered God's words so that we have the actual God of the Universe's message.
I pray you will worship with us! I think it will be really helpful for many of you.
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