Google Maps Changed the Game

Yesterday, Allie and I were reminiscing about how half our honeymoon was spent driving around lost. Seriously, my sense of direction is admittedly, not great. To complicate the problem, we had to look at actual physical maps made of paper to get where we were trying to go. Honestly, I have more in common with a pirate of the Caribbean than an iPad kid. You see, we were married one year before the first iPhone and before Google Maps was a thing. I honestly don't know how we got anywhere. Google Maps changed the game.
Today, if you need to go anywhere, get the address, type it in Google Maps, and you will get about fifteen different ways to get there. You get three different driving routes, two walking routes, two bike routes, dozens of public transit options, and even the option to give up and take an Uber. And all of those different routes will get you to the same destination. It's honestly one of the most amazing things about living in the future.
Many people assume getting to God is similar. You may have heard the statement, "All roads lead to God." They may describe getting to God as many paths leading up to a mountain peak. That is a nice sentiment, and I think most people mean well when they say it, but is it true? Tomorrow we will explore this question, and even go a little deeper. We'll ask can it even be true that all major religions lead to God?
If you find yourself having conversations with unreligious friends, family, or co-workers, this is going to be a helpful message. It will also help you think better about the way you talk with people in other religions. Join us for worship tomorrow in our final message in the "Is It True..." series.
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