The Secret to Having More Time

Recently, Allie and I began using a new budgeting app. I like it for two reasons. First, it gamifies budgeting. Which makes budgeting more fun for my dopamine receptors. Second, and more importantly, it helps us budget every single dollar we earn. Every dollar has a name and a place. This may seem counterintuitive, but we even have spontaneity built into our budget.

While our money is important to budget, wealth is not our most important resource. The most important resource any one of us has is time. Psalm 90:12 tells us to, “…number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts.” While thinking about budgeting every minute of every day may stress some of you out (And make others of you giddy with delight), it is still important for all of us to carefully take account of how we’re spending our years on earth.

I can already hear what you’re thinking. “Ivey, I have no days to number because I have no time! Every minute of every day is taken from me.” And I totally get it. Few of us feel like we have enough time for all the things we need to do, let alone want to do. And we especially don’t have time for relationships and neighboring.

But here is the rub, if we’re going to take Jesus’ Great Commandment seriously, we have to find time to love our neighbors. If I can give you any solace. The sovereign God of the universe has given you the time you need to accomplish the things he wants you to accomplish. So, this Sunday I want to help you with a simple solution to your time problem. I will not be piling on guilt or shame. My prayer is that Sunday's message will free you and redeem some of the time you feel like you have lost.

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