Can't Stop, Won't Stop... Won't Work

The longest I have ever slept was 20 hours.

Allie and I had been through quite a busy few weeks. In week one we were preparing for a wedding, then we were married. That process in and of itself is exhausting. In week two, we went on our honeymoon. In week three, immediately upon getting back home, Allie and I chaperoned dozens of teens at a week-long youth camp. If you've ever been to youth camp as an adult, you know some people never recover under normal circumstances, let alone being preceded by wedding prep, a wedding, and a honeymoon.

After an eventful three weeks, we had yet to have the time to move into our new apartment. Like zombies, we walked into our barren apartment, drug a mattress into an empty bedroom, threw it on the floor in the middle of the room, and collapsed. That happened at 3 PM on June 16, 2006. Neither of us woke up until 11 AM on June 17, 2006. That may have been the most tired I've ever been, and after a truly crazy three weeks, we needed the rest.

It would be amazing if we were able to go non-stop all the time without rest. But we cannot. We were not even designed to. God created you to rest, but when you don't rest, you miss the blessing God wants to give you through taking a day off.

If you need rest in your life. If you're in need of a day off. If you wish you could take a moment to breathe, you should join us for worship tomorrow. We're going to see that the Bible gives us permission to rest... actually, it goes a step further. It commands that we rest. If you're like me, and you have a hard time slowing down, it should be really helpful.
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