Worship Leader is Trademarked

I learned this week from a friend of mine that the phrase "Worship Leader" is trademarked. You can read more about this development at Relevant. The company that owns this trademark is named Authentic Media and they filed for it in 2016. Now, it's annoying enough for a company to trademark a job title, but Authentic Media is now enforcing its so-called trademark by having social media accounts (Like my friend's) shut down for trademark infringement.

According to their website, they "literally coined the phrase 'Worship Leader'" thirty years ago. A quick google search will prove this is impossible because the term has been in use since at least the 1930s. I know, this feels like a plan hatched by Kramer in some alternate-universe Christian version of Seinfeld, but I promise you it is real.

This is a problem because I no longer know what to call Matt. He can't be our Worship Leader™ any longer. I don't want to be sued! So, I've gone to our trusty robot friend Chat GPT to discover some alternative suggestions. They are quite creative: Tune Wizard, Melody Maestro, Chorus Commander, Rhythm Ruler, Song Sultan, Serenade Sovereign, Psalm Prodigy, Harmony Hero, and my favorite, Head Bopper.

What do you think? If you have any more suggestions, please let me know. I have not decided on what Matt's new title should be, but I'm leaning toward Head Bopper.

This conflict is a strange one, but conflict is inevitable in any place a group of humans exist. I wish I could say conflict happens everywhere but the church, yet the sad reality is, the church may have even more conflict than the rest of the world. Jesus never said there would be no disagreements inside the church, but he did want us to handle it in a godly and loving way. Tomorrow we're going to get help from Nehemiah in resolving conflict among God's people in a way that honors and glorifies God. It's a lesson we all need to take into account so we're ready when conflict arises.

Now, go sign the petition so that Matt can have his title back.

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