Who Does God Want You to Vote For?

Where I grew up there was practically only one mode of transportation: Car. In many places, there were not even sidewalks. That means if you walked or rode a bike you were forced to hug the yellow line and pray drivers would not run you over.
But when I moved to Boston, my life changed. Boston has actually functioning public transportation (And if you believe it doesn’t function here, try down South. It’s basically non-existent). I no longer needed a car to go most places in the city, the train or bus could get me almost everywhere I needed to go.
So, when preparing to move to Boston we sold our second car and became a one-car family. That arrangement has worked well for most of our eight years here, but now that we have five kids, they’re getting older, and have school and a lot of activities, our car is mostly reserved for those. This is typically no problem because I'll simply ride the T!
But, as many of you have noticed, the orange line has been down between Back Bay and Forest Hills for a couple of weeks now. Life gets a little harder. When the car is in use, the T is down, and I still have to get places.
I'm a creative young-ish man, and I’ve figured out, what you might call, a third way. The third way has at least three methods: Get a ride from a friend, Uber, or ride my bike. If I had resigned myself to only taking the two most typical modes of transportation, I might be in trouble. But a third way allows me freedom even when my car is in use and the T is down.
If you haven't noticed, there is a presidential election in a few weeks, and most of society will tell you that you only have two choices: Evil or good. Red or blue. Harris or Trump. Prosperity or destruction. What if I told you that Christianity offers us a third way. This third way may lead you to vote for one of those two candidates, and that’s ok, but it frees you to think about politics from an eternal perspective.
Our new two-week series is called “Kingdom Politics.” While it might make it easier, I won’t tell you who the Bible says to vote for, how I am going to vote, or try to justify who Jesus would vote for. Instead, I hope to help you understand the place of politics in light of your faith, God’s Kingdom, and eternity. I pray you’ll join us for worship tomorrow!
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