How Can You Know You Are Saved?

We are in the second week of our eternal security series, "That You May Know." Knowing if you are saved is a little more difficult than knowing other things about ourselves. How do we know we have graduated? There is a piece of paper that hangs on the wall that proves it. How do we know we have too many plaid shirts in our closet? We open it and look. Am I just naming things I can see from where I am writing this? Absolutely. But I think you get the point.

Eternal salvation is more complicated. There is no certificate on the wall or card in our wallet. Sure, we can point to a baptism or first communion. Maybe you still have a Bible from your baptism. But still, you may have been a baby, incapable of making decisions. What if this whole time you have fooled yourself? Are we just left to hope that at our last breath we have checked all the boxes and passed all the tests?

What if there is another way to know? A better way that offers greater peace today and forever. Tomorrow we're going to look at two tests the Apostle John asks us to apply to ourselves to see if we are saved.

I hope you will join us for worship on Sunday because I think it will be immensely helpful for any who, like me, have struggled with doubt regarding their eternal destination.

I was reminded of a video this week that is immensely powerful. I've included it below. It's from a Scottish preacher named Alistair Begg. In it, he gives a humorous and powerful story of how the thief on the cross must have felt when he entered Heaven. I really encourage you to take four minutes of your day and watch it. You will be blessed.
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