I Ran Away From Home

I was done with them. I tried to make it work, but, now, it was over.
You see, at the age of 4, my parents had gotten on my nerves one too many times. They made me eat broccoli, go to bed on time, and listen to what they said. I couldn't take it any longer. So, I proclaimed that I was running away.
I got a stick and a handkerchief and packed all the most important things. Things like food, a flashlight, and a G.I. Joe. I walked out the front door, and here is the surprising part, my parents didn't even try to stop me. In fact once I made it onto the front porch, the door closed, the deadbolt locked, and the porch light went off. Did I mention it was dark outside? Yeah, it was dark. I began to question all the decisions that led me to this point.
But I was a brave independent young man. I was not going to give up that easily. So I walked to an old oak tree in our front yard and decided to set up camp for the night. I sat down in the sand a mere 25 feet from the front door, and I had never felt more alone in my life. Every sound was a threat and every movement a monster. I began to say, "Mom... Dad.... anyone?" After about 3 minutes of "running away from home," I turned around and ran back to our front porch. I banged on the door just praying they would let me back in. It took a surprisingly long time, but they eventually did. Years later I'd learn they were watching and snickering at me the whole time. That was the last and only time I ever ran away from home.
My efforts to leave home didn't amount to much. My parents let me do it because they understood I wouldn't be able to run away. They knew it would be a funny learning experience because, even if I were to make an actual run for it, they had the strength to chase me down. At 4, I was never going to be able to run away.
Tomorrow we're going to start the story of Jonah. Jonah was the prophet who actually thought he could run away from God. How ridiculous is that? Yet, in Jonah, we will glimpse ourselves and the methods we use to try and run from God. Tomorrow's message will help us identify our escape routes and avoid them so we can accomplish all God has called us to do. I can't wait to worship with you tomorrow!
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