Can We Trust the Bible?

I wanted to tell you about an amazing opportunity that came my way. You probably will not believe this, but a real-life prince emailed me! Me, of all people. He said he chose me because of my sterling reputation and impressive résumé. I was so honored.

I was stunned to learn that he had run into some trouble, and to protect his fortune, he needed to transfer all of his money to the US. This is where I was able to help him. He told me that if I transferred $3500 USD to him, his account would be unfrozen. This is when it got real. Because of my troubles, he would give me $1,000,000! How could anyone pass up an opportunity like this? It seemed too good to be true.

So, I did what any sane person would do, and I wired this generous prince the money. So far I have been waiting three years for the money. I mean, a million dollars is probably pretty hard to move around, but I am sure it will get here any day now.

Ok, ok. I never transferred any money to anyone about anything, but I have received plenty of emails like that. I am sure you have also received emails like that. Perhaps you get all those fishing texts or phone calls from the "IRS" where you can pay your back taxes with... Amazon gift cards?

Almost 35 years into life on the web, we should be able to spot email scams a mile away. But there is another scheme you might find on the internet. Influencers on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook will often claim that the Bible is just an ancient scam. They will say that translations have been manipulated and should not be trusted. You may hear that the collection of books we call the Bible is really just a conspiracy organized by Emperor Constantine to control the Roman Empire. Should you really put your life and eternity on the life for a book like this? That is a fair question.

This Sunday, we will be asking, "Is it true that the Bible is actually reliable?" This is a message you do not want to miss. I believe it will challenge a lot of your assumptions, and for many, strengthen your faith.
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