Tom Brady is Coming Back to the Patriots!

The Patriots are a mess. This once perennial Super Bowl-contending team is now predicted to be last in their division. Within four years of Tom Brady's departure, the Patriots have absolutely fallen apart. When you hear this news, some of you don't care, some of you are giddy, and others, like me, are immensely sad.

But imagine my joy when I heard Tom was coming back! That's right. The Patriots recently announced he will be back for their opening game against the Eagles! Wait... hang on... let me finish reading this article.

Ok, I'm back to report that Tom is coming back, but I hope you are sitting down for this, he will not be suiting up. Our hero of the gridiron is only coming to watch the game? What is this garbage? At least the Patriots are going to celebrate all he did for New England football.

I'm a little nervous though. I hope they hide the iPads because when Tom finds out the state of this team there will likely be no tablets safe from his fury. The team Tom built is but a shadow of its former glory.
Although far more serious, this is a similar situation that Nehemiah finds himself in when he returns to Jerusalem a few years after rebuilding the city. He finds that all his work had been forgotten and disregarded. And let's just say he threw some metaphorical iPads. What went wrong?

Tomorrow we are going to see where Jerusalem went wrong after Nehemiah left. Then we will see how we do the same thing, but we will end by learning how to avoid Jerusalem's mistakes. Join us for this last week of Nehemiah!
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