How Do You Want to Be Remembered?

Death is the one reality we will all face, but we don't really like to think about it. Some people will not attend funerals or even talk about the possibility of death. Yet, while we try not to linger on our deaths, we all want to leave a legacy. We want to live a life we're proud of, and we hope people will remember us fondly... Unlike the two subjects of this week's email.
In my research this week, I found some people who went out in the stupidest ways possible.
How Many Pallets Does It Take to Change a Lightbulb?
Take, for instance, a warehouse employee of Tanarumono Logistics. There was a blown lightbulb in the roof of the warehouse. The bulb was about 30 feet in the air. So he had an idea! He would stand on the raised forklift to change it. The problem was that the forklift only got him 8 feet in the air. He needed another 22 feet. So he did the dumbest thing possible and stacked 37 pallets on the forklift, then he stood on top and had another employee raise him into the air to change the bulb. The stack didn't hold long, and he met his demise in the wreckage. The article about his death stated that in his "Heroic effort to reach the light," he reached "a higher plane than anticipated."
Not The Sharpest Knife in the Drawer
Now we meet Darren. Police found him lying on his floor, stabbed through the heart by his own knife. Their investigation met a dead end when they could find absolutely no evidence of foul play. How did he die? Answer: In one of the dumbest ways possible. Eventually, his wife, who was on vacation with friends at the time of his death, revealed that Darren had recently purchased what he thought was a stabproof vest. To test his vest, he grabbed a knife from his collection and stabbed himself right in the chest. From this, we learn two lessons. 1) Don't stab yourself. 2) Don't buy your stabproof vests from Temu.
These two men left a legacy that will live on the internet for decades... perhaps centuries. But it was not a legacy they would be proud of.
Tomorrow we will look at the final words of King David in 2 Samuel 22-23. We will explore David's legacy and discover 3 truths about life God wants for our legacies. See you at Worship!
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