The Naked Truth About Worship

King David is one of the most important figures in the Bible. There are several well-known stories about him, and not all of them are good. But one of the characteristics of David that God treasured most was that he was a man after God's own heart. This made him a worshiper.
While worship is more than music, it is not less than music, and David was a prolific songwriter. He wrote almost half of the Psalms; the songbook of the ancients. And those are just the ones that charted! It's possible he wrote many more than that.
Few people in the Scriptures are more qualified to give us a class on worship than David. Tomorrow we are going to explore 2 Samuel 6 and go to school with Professor David. This is the infamous passage where David is said to have danced naked (More on that tomorrow). As strange as that sounds, it may surprise you even more to find out that in this passage we will find the essence of genuine worship. Spoiler alert, the essence of worship has nothing to do with being naked. Thank God!
I can't wait to worship with you tomorrow, and please come with all your clothes on.
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