Where Can You Find Enoughness?

I did not have a lot of confidence growing up. I was one of the shyest, most awkward people ever. You need to understand where I was coming from. Out of my twelve years of school, eleven of them were all or partially homeschooled. So, when I went to a public school in my senior year of high school, I was embarrassingly shy. I didn't have the experience of starting friendships. I didn't talk to people because I didn't think they'd like me. Many times, even when people pursued friendships with me, I didn't reciprocate. I had told myself I was the weird homeschooled kid. I was awkward and annoying, and they probably wouldn't like me anyway.

I thought that I wasn't smart enough, good-looking enough, social enough, or cool enough. Why would anyone want to be friends with me?

It wasn't all bad though. I did finally make a group of friends (One of them became my wife!). But it was excruciating, the learning curve was steep, and I found out a lot about myself in that one year of high school. Through awkward struggle, failure, and the scriptures, I found my "enoughness."

 All of us face moments where we feel like we are not "enough." We're going to look at a Biblical hero named Moses who also didn't feel like he was enough. Tomorrow I want to help you see where Moses found his enoughness and where you can find your enoughness for real confidence. Worship with us at 10 AM.
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