Living In Two States At the Same Time

Growing up we took at least one trip to our local theme park every year. We didn't have Disney, Universal, or Six Flags. We had Carowinds. It was called Carowinds because the winds of North and South Carolina blew through the park. You see, the park straddles the state lines of both North and South Carolina. This meant that half the rides were in South Carolina and half were in North Carolina. Being from South Carolina, we always swore that "our side" was better. Our side had Top Gun and Dale Earnhardt's Intimidator coasters (Could it get more South Carolinian than that?).

This is a small digression, but I need to say it, North and South Carolina are very different places. Don't refer to them as "Carolina." At worst refer to them as "The Carolinas." But all things considered, it's probably best to just call them by their real names.

Sure, you could buy an overpriced picture of your screaming face from your favorite coaster, but there was always one required picture after you entered the gates. You would put one foot in South Carolina and one foot in North Carolina, and you would be living in two states at the same exact time. Over the years I probably have fifteen pictures like that stuck in scrapbooks and on digital cameras.

As we continue our exploration of the greatest sermon ever preached, Jesus describes who his followers are. Not who they should be, could be, or might be, but who his followers are. Jesus' followers are two very different things at the same time: Salt and light. We straddle the line of both identities.

If you're confused, I have good news, that's what I'm talking about tomorrow! I'll help you understand who Jesus has called you to be. I think it will really help you as you work through what it means to live as a citizen of Jesus' kingdom every day. I can't wait to worship with you tomorrow morning!
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