Fajitas Soak Up All The Attention

I remember the first time I ate fajitas. I was already over two decades into my life when they arrived. We were at Senior Tequila's enjoying a Sunday lunch, and someone told me the fajitas for one was big enough to feed two. Even though I had never had them before, I could not pass up a twofer like that. I had no idea the meal that would change my life was coming.

Only ten minutes later I heard a faint sizzling around the corner, but it wasn't staying in the kitchen. It was coming closer and kept getting louder. What could it be? I soon learned it was my fajitas. Everyone at the table oohed and aahed, and people at other tables were looking on in wonder. It was like I was a hibachi chef, but I didn't have to flip a shrimp into a person's mouth. My only trick was ordering by using my very limited Spanish to say, "Gracias" as our waiter took the menus. I had everyone's attention. Everyone knew I had ordered the fajitas. I had never heard a food so bold. I soaked up the glory of that moment.

Ok, did I embellish that story? A little, but I'm making a point. Those sizzling fajitas draw every ounce of attention at the table when they arrive. All conversations are halted by their crackling. The way fajitas break necks in a Mexican restaurant is the opposite of how we should worship.

While the first few weeks of the Sermon on the Mount were about what the identity of the Kingdom person, this week Jesus gets more practical. Tomorrow Jesus will tell us the three secrets to genuine worship. I hope you'll join us for this helpful word from the Lord.

Plus, I'm super excited about our baptisms! It's going to be a great day in the house of the Lord. I can't wait to see you there.
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