Are You a Cathedral Builder?

It is not unusual for me to encourage people who are struggling with purpose and direction. So many of us can get caught up in what feels like a rat race. We may feel like we are waking up every weekday to do the same old thing and in the same old place. Then we enjoy our weekend, go to church, and start it all again on Monday. Without purpose and perspective, it can all seem meaningless.

I read an article this week regarding this topic of greater meaning in work. And the author told a story about three bricklayers. While on the job one of the bricklayers was asked what he did for a living. A little confused at the obviousness of the answer, he responded, "I lay bricks."

Asked the same question, the second bricklayer gave a more interesting answer. He said with more purpose, "I'm building a wall." His perspective had moved beyond the bricks directly in front of him to the greater purpose of wall building.

Yet, it was the third bricklayer that had the most compelling answer. When asked the same exact question, he stated, "I am building a cathedral." He had gone  beyond the wall and to his greatest purpose: contributing to the building of a great cathedral.

All three were performing the same task, but only one had enough vision to understand he was more than a bricklayer. He was a Cathedral builder.

Tomorrow we are going to look at our greater purpose. Ephesians 4:12 says that we have been given various gifts, "to build up the body of Christ." None of us are just bricklayers. Through God's power, goodness, and grace, we have been given gifts and are cathedral builders! I can't wait to worship with you tomorrow!
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