When Was the Most Peaceful Time Period?

Have you ever wondered what has been the most peaceful time in history? This is an ongoing debate, but according to How Stuff Works there are some stand-out contenders.

First, we have ancient Rome. This was the time historian Edward Gibbon named the Pax Romana. Because Rome ruled with an iron fist it could quickly stomp out any rebellions. This time of peace lasted a little over 200 years, about 27 B.C. to 180 A.D.. Even though this perioexcellent great branding, it was not without war. There was plenty of fighting in Spain, Germania, and Britain during these centuries. This is why Harvard Psychologist Steven Pinker does not believe the Pax Romana was the most peaceful age.

The next period contending for the title of most peaceful time was about a thousand years later (and may surprise you). During the rule of Genghis Khan, there was relative international peace. While his brutal military campaigns killed thousands, it was fear of him that brought peace to the world. Under Khan, trade routes were secured and the Mongol tribes were unified. It was Khan's peace that allowed Marco Polo to travel from Europe to China opening trade between the continents. But, like Rome before it, Khan's peace was only possible through a brutally violent regime. Because of that, This period can't make the cut either.

So what is the most peaceful time in history? You are living in it. Seriously. Pinker says that even with the wars in the Middle East, Africa, and Ukraine, the time from the end of World War II to today has been the most peaceful time in history. Statistically speaking, you are less likely to die from war or a violent crime than at any other time in history.

So why doesn't it feel like it? People still hurt. There is real war and chaos around the world...  in our own streets. We may statistically live in the most peaceful time, but statistics are cold. It's still not good enough. We want no war.

When Jesus was announced by the angels to the shepherds they proclaimed, "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to people he favors!" (Luke 2:14). Isaiah even called Jesus the "Prince of Peace..." If Jesus was supposed to bring peace to earth, there has been a lot of war since that night in Bethlehem. Did he fail? The short answer: No.

If you need peace this Christmas, join us for the second week of Advent as we consider how we can attain the peace that the angels announced.
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