Beat the Heat

Do you know how blessed we are in New England during the summer? We might have one month of temperatures near or around 90º. But get this, there were some places in the U.S. yesterday that were over 100º! I don't mean Death Valley. I mean regular places where people live. With that in mind, I saw a friend from one of those regions recently post this meme.

In New England, though, August signals the temperature drop and the first hints of fall. As a dad, there are few things more exciting than being able to turn off the window units like I did yesterday. The dropping temperatures are a sweet relief from the heat of summer.

Tomorrow we dive back into 1 Peter, where for weeks, the Apostle has been teaching us individually what it means to live as Heaven's exiles. This week he moves to how we live as exiles corporately in the church. Peter shows us how we can act like shade in the scorching heat of this world. I would be honored if you would worship with us tomorrow!
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